The EPF Bulletin Psychoanalysis in Europe was launched in 1972 with the following words of Peter Hildebrand, the first general editor:

“We shall try to initiate discussion and encourage controversy…”, “…we also wish to provide a forum in which ideas can be expressed”.

That first issue had 16 pages, was produced on a typewriter and photocopied, a yellow paper cover was added, and the complete issue was then stapled together. Over the years, the Bulletin became a testimony to the development of psychoanalysis in Europe.

General editors:

Peter Hildebrand (1972-1976), Daniel Widlöcher (1978-1980), T. Eskelinen de Folch (1980-1988), Alex Holder (1988-1996), Gabriele Junkers (1996-2000), Eike Wolff (2000-2004), Jordi Sala (2004-2008), Dieter Bürgin (2008-2012), Ursula Burkert (2012-2016), Charlotta Björklind (2016-2020) and Jasminka Šuljagić (2020-[2024])

We are preparing to mark this anniversary with a celebration during the Annual Conference in Vienna on July 14th, following the Welcome reception, in the MAK - Museum of Applied Arts.

For now, we would like to present to you the journals of the EPF Societies.


Psicoanalisi. Journal of the Italian Psychoanalytical Association (A.I.Psi)

Founded in 1997, Psicoanalisi is the bi-annual journal of the Italian Psychoanalytical Association publishing papers related to specific psychoanalytical clinical and theoretical issues. Nowadays, when the specificity of psychoanalysis risks being diluted or confused with alternative therapies derived from psychoanalysis, or claims to test its effectiveness and reliability by applying methods suited to other branches of science, Psicoanalisi aims to highlight and develop what is specific to this discipline.  



The journal is divided into two sections.

One section includes papers by Italian analysts anonymously peer reviewed by a board of qualified analysts belonging to other IPA Societies.


The other section includes international essays that, although the authors may already be known in Italy, have not yet been translated into Italian, as well as essays written by authors who are less known in Italy, in order to guarantee diffusion of the psychoanalytic thinking of the different regions of the IPA.


Psicoanalisi also publishes essays considered to be classical papers in the field of psychoanalysis that are reviewed and discussed by one or two colleagues of different theoretical orientations, and it includes a section with reviews of both italian and international psychoanalytical literature.


Editorial Board

Giovanna Ambrosio (Director), Annita Gallina (Vice Director), Simona Di Segni (Chief Editor), Simona Argentieri, Annalisa Ferretti, Adolfo Pazzagli

Web address:

Publisher: Franco Angeli Editore, viale Monza 106 -20127 Milano

Tel. +39-02-2895762 - Fax +39-02-26141958  -  e-mail:


Le présent de la psychanalyse. Journal of the Association Psychanalytique de France (APF)

Le présent de la psychanalyse (The present of psychoanalysis) is a bi-annual journal started by the French association APF in 2019.

As the title suggests the idea is to demonstrate how psychoanalysis remains relevant, alive and vibrant in today’s world: psychoanalysis is not a thing of the past.

Around a main theme, the journal is built around papers written by our analysts, showcasing their work.  We also ask outside contributors for papers inspired by our theme. Furthermore each issue publishes important essays from the past written by our society members that have not been published externally.

The editorial board consists of APF psychoanalysts and changes every two years.

Editorial board:

Jacques André, Claude Arlès, Isée Bernateau, Dominique Billot Mongin, Sarah Contou-Terquem, Mathilde Girard, Bernard de La Gorce, Françoise Laurent, Estelle Louët, Françoise Neau, Martin Reca, Caroline Thompson, Mi-Kyung Yi

Directeur of the editorial board : Jacques André

APF – 24, place Dauphine, 75001 Paris (tél. : +33 1 43 29 85 11). Website :


Psikanaliz Yazıları. The Journal of the Istanbul Psychoanalytical Association

Psikanaliz Yazıları (Psychoanalytic Writings) 

Launched in 2000, Psychoanalytic Writings is the first Turkish-language periodical on psychoanalysis. It's published biannually, in spring and autumn, by Istanbul Psychoanalytical Association, the first component society of IPA in Turkey and its region. Psychoanalytic Writings has played, and continues to play, an important role in promoting psychoanalysis in Turkey, and establishing ties between psychoanalysis and related disciplines. Psychoanalytic Writings features a special folder in each issue. These folders sometimes elaborate on a basic theme of psychoanalysis, and sometimes a contemporary issue. In each folder there are translations of the works of major earlier and contemporary theoreticians, along with original essays by psychoanalysts and writers from Turkey. There is also “other topics” section which intends to include a wider range of issues from psychoanalytical literature as well as fundamental texts from psychoanalytical history. 


Psikanaliz Yazıları 

Psikanaliz Yazıları 2000 yılından bu yana Türkiye'de psikanaliz ile ilgili düzenli yayınlanan ilk süreli yayındır. Türkiye ve yakın coğrafyada,  IPA'ya doğrudan üye ilk dernek olan İstanbul Psikanaliz Derneği tarafından ilkbahar ve sonbaharda olmak üzere yılda iki kez yayımlanmaktadır. Psikanalizin tanınması, yayılması ve farklı disiplinlerle ilişkilenmesi çalışmalarında  önemli rol üstlenmiş olan Psikanaliz Yazıları, her sayısında bir dosyaya yer verir. Bu dosyalarda kimi zaman psikanalizin temel bir konusu, kimi zaman güncel bir tema ayrıntılı olarak ele alınır. Her dosyada psikanalizin geçmişinin ve bugününün önemli kuramcılarının çevirilerinin yanı sıra, ülkemiz psikanalist ve yazarlarının özgün yazılarına da yer verilir.  Ayrıca daha geniş bir yelpazede psikanalize bakmak ve psikanalitik tarihteki temel metinlere yer açmak için “dosya dışı” bir bölüm de yer almaktadır. 


General Editors : Talat Parman (2000-2020) , Behice Boran (2020- )

Editorial Board: Behice Boran, Evrem Tilki, İlker Özyıldırım, Ayten Dursun Sökücü, Funda Akkapulu



Address: İstanbul Psikanaliz Derneği - Büyükdere Caddesi Gün Apartmanı No:26/15 34387 Mecidiyeköy -İstanbul



Romanian Journal of Psychoanalysis

The Romanian Journal of Psychoanalysis is edited by the Romanian Society of Psychoanalysis, - IPA Component Society.

The Romanian Journal of Psychoanalysis was founded in 2007, on the occasion of the International Colloquium of Psychoanalysis “Thinking Hate and Violence” (Bucharest, 2008). The purpose of the journal is to stimulate psychoanalytic research and scientific communication in this field, both between Romanian psychoanalysts, as well as between them and their foreign peers. It is for this reason that the articles are published exclusively in French or English.

The first issue of the journal was published in 2008, and its publication continued at a rate of one issue per year till 2011, when two issues per year were published. The Editing Committee and the Scientific Committee consist of renowned specialists, from Romania and other European countries, with tradition in this field.

The journal constitutes a space of dialogue between psychoanalysts of different theoretical orientations, with clinical experience specific to particular historical contexts in the practice and development of psychoanalysis, as well as a space for interdisciplinary dialogue, offering new openings towards related fields, such as the psychotherapy of psychoanalytic orientation or towards complementary sciences, such as anthropology or philosophy. The journal includes mainly original articles of theoretical and clinical psychoanalysis, as well as articles based on applied research, review articles and also book reviews, on psychoanalytic field. The materials are subject to editorial evaluation and anonymous review.

The Romanian Journal of Psychoanalysis is abstracted/indexed in:

The present Editorial Board:Director-Georgiana Dobrescu, Editor- in-chief- Sorinel Mocanu, Associate Editor- Gabriela Magureanu

The site of RJP:


Bulletin. Journal of the Swiss Psychoanalytical Society (SSPsa/SGPsa)

Bulletin is the tool for information, exchange and cohesion between the different linguistic regions of the Swiss Psychoanalytical Society (SSPsa/SGPsa). It was created in 1919 and is a century old ! The original articles, written by our members, are all translated into German and French. Around a main theme, Bulletin is built around papers written by our analysts, showcasing their work. Translation issues in psychoanalysis have always shaped the history of psychoanalysis and are an interesting tool to understand how easy words can express other meanings in another language. The editorial board consists of SSPsa/SGPsa psychoanalysts and changes every three years.

Current Committee: Philippe Bittar, Charlotte Dubois Kellerhals, Elsa Schmid-Kitsikis.

Web site (under transformation for a better online access to Bulletin):


Revue Belge de Psychanalyse

The Revue Belge de Psychanalyse was founded on June 10, 1982, under the impulse of Dr Maurice Haber, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst.

The journal celebrates its 40th anniversary today, in 2022. 

Its objective is to develop and discuss psychoanalytic theories and practices but also to confront them with a renewed reflection on the place of psychoanalysis and what is at stake in view of the profound changes in society and the individual in the face of technological, economic, social, ethical, and environmental developments. 

It is published twice a year and currently has 80 issues.

The issues have a particular theme but also have a section for articles outside the theme.  


Editorial Board: Katy Bogliatto, Cathy Causanschi, Jeannine Delgouffre, Marie-Paule Durieux, Blandine Faoro-Kreit, Jacqueline Godfrind, Isabelle Maisin, Jean-Paul Matot, Annick Pairon, Marianne Van Bourgonie

Director: Blandine Faoro-Kreit


Web site :


Address of the journal : Revue Belge de Psychanalyse c/o Maison de la Société Belge de Psychanalyse, 49 rue Emile Claus, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgique


Revue Française de Psychanalyse (presented in French and English)


adresse électronique :



La Revue française de psychanalyse est une revue scientifique à comité de lecture. Fondée en 1927 « sous le patronage du Pr Sigmund Freud », c’est la première revue internationale de psychanalyse en langue française. Éditée sous la responsabilité de la Société psychanalytique de Paris, la Revue française de psychanalyse est dotée d'indépendance éditoriale. Son comité de rédaction décide des textes publiés selon ses critères propres, conformément à l'histoire de la revue, et attentif à son époque. Lieu de débats et de réévaluation de nombreuses questions cliniques et métapsychologiques, elle met en travail les grands thèmes psychanalytiques contemporains, confronte les données freudiennes classiques aux apports post-freudiens dans le champ de la psychanalyse et hors de ce champ.

Publication trimestrielle

La Revue française de psychanalyse est une publication trimestrielle à laquelle s’adjoint un numéro spécial consacré aux travaux du « Congrès des psychanalystes de langue française », congrès international réunissant des auteurs de nombreux pays.

Des numéros comportant plusieurs parties

Chaque numéro de la revue, sauf le numéro 5, comporte quatre parties.

Une première partie (Thème) porte sur un thème, présenté dans l’argument rédigé par le comité de rédaction de la Rfp. Cet argument est disponible plusieurs mois avant la date limite de réception des articles. Cette partie représente entre le tiers et la moitié des articles originaux publiés dans chaque numéro.

Une deuxième partie (Dossier) réunit 3 à 5 textes autour d’un sujet précis. Celui-ci peut porter sur une question d’actualité, sur un sujet de préoccupation pour les analystes (par exemple, la formation), sur une branche particulière de l’activité analytique, sur l’œuvre d’un analyste dont les écrits ont marqué notre réflexion, sur les textes issus de tel congrès ou colloque, sur le développement de la psychanalyse dans tel pays, etc.

Une troisième partie (Rubriques) est composée d’articles de toute thématique. Les rubriques sont choisies selon la thématique de chaque article soumis et accepté pour publication (Psychanalyse de l’enfant, psychanalyse et littérature, Psychanalyse et institutions, Psychanalyse et société, Théorie psychanalytique, Technique psychanalytique, Psychanalyse et médecine, Psychanalyse et neurosciences…, etc.).

Enfin, une quatrième partie (Revues des livres, Revue des revues, Revue des scènes) propose des présentations critiques portant sur l’actualité de la psychanalyse française et internationale dans l’édition, la presse et les arts.

Si la majorité des articles relève d’envois spontanés, la Revue française de psychanalyse la possibilité de solliciter des auteurs reconnus pour leurs compétences pour des débats, entretiens, ou dossiers thématiques spécifiques. Ces articles sont soumis aux mêmes procédures d’évaluation que les articles spontanés.

Les résumés et mots-clés des articles sont traduits en anglais et en espagnol.

Critères de sélection des articles 

Comme dans toute revue scientifique, le comité de rédaction de la Revue française de psychanalyse se constitue en comité de lecture anonyme, tout en s’appuyant sur l’expertise d’un comité de lecture international dont les membres sont choisis pour leur compétence scientifique. Les articles soumis sont évalués par trois membres du comité de lecture (évaluation par les pairs ou peer-review) et leur avis détaillé sur le texte soumis est communiqué à l’auteur. La synthèse de ces avis peut aboutir à l’acceptation du texte, à la suggestion d’un certain nombre de modifications pour publication, ou au refus.

La décision finale de publication est basée sur les avis des lecteurs et les éventuelles modifications apportées par l’auteur sur son texte après la première lecture. Le comité de rédaction s’efforce de respecter un délai raisonnable de réponse après la réception du manuscrit. Les dates de réception, d’acceptation et de publication sont indiquées lors de la parution des articles.

Les Puf et leurs rédactions soutiennent le code de bonne conduite du Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) :
Lire la page « Proposer un article »

Comité de rédaction

Directrice de publication / Executive director : Clarisse Baruch (Paris)

Directeur / Editor-in-chief: Vassilis Kapsambelis (Paris)

Directrices adjointes / Associate editors : Aline Cohen de Lara (Paris), Martine Girard (Toulouse), Sabina Lambertucci-Mann (Paris)

Conseillère auprès de la direction / Advisor to editors : Chantal Lechartier-Atlan (Paris)

Comité de rédaction / Editorial board

Klio Bournova (Lyon), Kalyane Fejtö (Paris), Jean-François Gouin (Paris), Denis Hirsch (Bruxelles), Piotr Krzakowski (Paris), Marcela Montes de Oca (Paris), Pascale Navarri (Marseille), Michel Picco (Aix-en-Provence), Pilar Puertas (Bilbao), Riad Ben Rejeb (Tunis), Thierry Schmeltz (Troyes), Monique Selz (Paris), Benoît Servant (Paris), Hélène Suarez-Labat (Paris), Nathalie Zilkha (Genève) 

Responsable « Revue des livres » : Sabina Lambertucci-Mann (Paris)

Responsable « Revue des revues » : Benoît Servant (Paris)

Secrétaire de rédaction / Editorial secretary : Philippe Bonilo



SCOPUS (Elsevier) : 

Dernière révision février 2021 – Mis à jour le 26/01/2022

Autres informations

Périodicité : 5 nos/an
ISSN : 0035-2942
ISSN en ligne : 2105-2964
Éditeur : Presses Universitaires de France

Revue française de Psychanalyse  (French Journal of Psychoanalysis)


email address:



The Revue française de Psychanalyse is a scientific review with a reading committee. Founded in 1927 “under the patronage of Pr. Sigmund Freud”, it was the first international review of psychoanalysis in the French language. The Revue française de psychanalyse enjoys editorial independence and the Paris Psychoanalytical Society is responsible for editing. Its editorial board decides on which texts will be published according to its own criteria, in keeping with the history of the review and with its epoch. The review is a forum for debates and the re-evaluation of many clinical and metapsychological questions; it offers a space for exploring the major contemporary psychoanalytic themes, and for comparing classical Freudian findings with post-Freudian contributions in the field of psychoanalysis and outside this field.

Quarterly publication

The Revue française de Psychanalyse (RFP) is a quarterly publication with, in addition, a special issue devoted to the contributions of the “Congress of French-Speaking Psychoanalysts”, an international congress that brings together authors from many countries.

Issues comprising several parts

Each issue of the review, except issue 5, is comprised of four parts.

A first part (Theme) pertains to a theme presented in the argument written by the editorial board of the RFP. This argument is available several months before the closing date for receiving articles. This part represents between a third and a half of the original articles published in each issue.

A second part (Dossier) brings together 3-5 texts around a precise subject. This may concern a subject of topical interest, a subject of concern for psychoanalysts (for example, training), a particular branch of analytic activity, the work of a psychoanalyst whose writings have marked our reflection, texts from this or that congress or colloquium, the development of psychoanalysis in this or that country, etc.

A third part (Sections) is comprised of articles on all themes. The sections are chosen according to the themes of each article submitted and accepted for publication (Child psychoanalysis, Psychoanalysis and literature, Psychoanalysis and institutions, Psychoanalysis and society, Psychoanalytic theory, Psychoanalytic technique, Psychoanalysis and medicine, Psychoanalysis and neuroscience, etc.

Finally, a fourth part (Book reviews, Journal reviews, Theatre Reviews), offers critical presentations concerning topics of current interest in French and international psychoanalysis in books, the press and the arts.

While the majority of the articles are submitted spontaneously, the Revue française de psychanalyse has the possibility of asking recognized authors to contribute their skills for debates, interviews or dossiers on specific themes. These articles are subject to the same procedures of evaluation as the spontaneous articles.

The summaries and key words of the articles are translated into English and Spanish.

Selection criteria for the articles

As in any scientific journal, the editorial board of the Revue française de psychanalyse is constituted as an anonymous reading committee, while drawing on the expertise of an international reading committee whose members are chosen for their scientific competence. The articles submitted are evaluated by three members of the reading committee (peer review) and their detailed opinion on the text is submitted and communicated to the author. The synthesis of these opinions can lead to the acceptance of the text, to the suggestion of a certain number of modifications for publication, or to refusal.

The final decision of publication is based on the opinions of the readers and the possible modifications made by the author to his/her text after the first reading. The reading committee tries to respect a reasonable response time after receiving the manuscript. The dates of reception, acceptance and publication are indicated when the articles are published.

The Presses Universitaires de Frances and their redactions support the code of good conduct of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE): Read the page “Presenting an article”


Editorial committee

Executive director: Clarisse Baruch (Paris)

Editor-in-Chief: Vassilis Kapsambelis (Paris)

Associate Editors: Aline Cohen de Lara (Paris), Martine Girard (Toulouse), Sabina Lambertucci-Mann (Paris)

Advisor to Editors: Chantal Lechartier-Atlan (Paris)

Editorial Board

Klio Bournova (Lyon), Kalyane Fejtö (Paris), Jean-Francois Gouin (Paris), Denis Hirsch (Brussels), Piotr Krzakowski (Paris), Marcela Montes de Oca (Paris), Pascale Navarii (Marseille), Michel Picco, (Aix-en-Provence), Pilar Puertas (Bilbao), Riad Ben Rejeb (Tunis), Thierry Scmeltz (Troyes), Monique Selz (Paris), Benoît Servant (Paris), Hélène Suarez-Labat (Paris), Nathalie Zilkha (Geneva).

Person in charge of “Book Reviews”: Sabina Lambertucci-Mann (Paris)

Person in charge of “Journal Reviews”: Benoît Servant (Paris)

Editorial Secretary: Philippe Bonilo




SCOPUS (Elsevier):

Last revised February 2021 – Updated 26/01/2022

Other information : Periodicity: 5 issues/year, ISSN: 0035-2942, ISSN on line: 2105-2964 – Publisher: Presses Universitaires de France


Lélekelemzés. Journal of the Hungarian Psychoanalytic Society (MPE)

Lélekelemzés (Psychoanalysis, the Hungarian term originally coined by Ferenczi) is the bi-annual journal of the Hungarian Psychoanalytic Society (MPE). It was founded in 2006 thanks to the private donation of a dedicated member of the society.

The editorial staff consists of candidates and members of our society, eight colleagues work voluntarily on the production of the volumes. Our members are also very active in the proofreading of the articles.

Its content mainly relies on the written versions of the lectures read at the MPE annual conference, but original articles, translations, round table discussions, interviews, essays with reflections, etc. can also be found in the periodical. We had two thematic volumes so far, one on Ogden’s and one on Bion’s work. In 2013, at the centenary celebrations of the foundation of the society a special edition was released, containing interviews with the training analysts of the re-founded society and aiming to record the oral history of the post-war history of Hungarian psychoanalytic tradition.

The journal’s important goal is to give members opportunity to publish and share their thoughts and create a space for exciting discussions. Besides that, our similarly important mission is to introduce psychoanalysis to lay and other professional readers.

Since 2017 the journal is published online too, and in 2020 the archive of the journal was digitalized and made accessible to readers.

We are dedicated to preserve psychoanalytic intellectual heritage and practice for the future Hungarian psychoanalysts.


Editorial Board

Márk Bérdi, Zsófia Csáky-Pallavicini, Ágnes Kléger-Sipos, Vera Garami, Zsuzsa Lackó, Anna Schmelowszky-Forgách (Editor-in-chief) Dénes Szemán, Katalin Szőke

Web address:

Publisher: Magyar Pszichoanalitikus Egyesület (president: Ágoston Schmelowszky)

Addresss: Hungary, Budapest - 1081 Budapest, II. János Pál pápa tér 6. II/29.



Revista Portuguesa de Psicanálise (RPP), presented in English and French

Revista Portuguesa de Psicanálise (RPP) is the official scientific publication of the Portuguese Psychoanalytic Society (SPP – Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicanálise).

The Journal publishes biannually original articles of theoretical and epistemological, clinical, historical-conceptual, experimental and empirical and interdisciplinary nature in the area of psychoanalysis and of other scientific disciplines with which psychoanalysis establishes scientific dialogue. With a long tradition in the dissemination of psychoanalytic knowledge within the psychoanalytic and scientific community both nationally and internationally, RPP privileges quality and editorial innovation and has recently successfully achieved the transition to digital format. 

RPP includes the following sections: Editorial; Interview (to relevant personality of the psychoanalytic movement); Art, Literature and Humanities; Experimental and Empirical Studies; Psychoanalytic Ethics and Education; History of Psychoanalysis; Community and Organizational Psychoanalysis; Theory and Epistemology; Theme in Debate and Critical Reviews.

The Journal's website ( is the place where authors, collaborators and readers, psychoanalysts and non-psychoanalysts, can consult pertinent information about the editorial team, the calls for papers and the editorial, technical and ethical rules that must be respected when submitting original articles to publish. They may also consult other useful information, read, and download articles published in recent issues of the Journal.

Editorial Board

Director: Carlos Farate

Associate Director: António Mendonça

Editorial Assistants: Bruno Ferreira, Liliana Castro, Susana Algarvio and Teresa Campos


Revista Portuguesa de Psicanálise (RPP) est la publication scientifique officielle de la Société Portugaise de Psychanalyse (SPP -Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicanálise).

RPP publie semestriellement des articles originaux de nature théorique et épistémologique, clinique, historico-conceptuelle, expérimentale et empirique et interdisciplinaire dans le domaine de la psychanalyse et des autres disciplines scientifiques avec lesquelles la psychanalyse établit un dialogue scientifique. Fort d'une longue tradition de diffusion des connaissances psychanalytiques au sein de la communauté psychanalytique et scientifique nationale et internationale, RPP privilégie la qualité et l'innovation éditoriale et a très récemment complété la transition vers le format numérique.

La Revue est composée des sections suivantes : Éditorial ; Interview (à une personnalité significative du mouvement psychanalytique, de la culture ou de la science); Art, littérature et sciences humaines; Études expérimentales et empiriques; Éthique et éducation psychanalytique; Histoire de la psychanalyse; Psychanalyse communautaire et organisationnelle; Théorie et épistémologie ; Thème en débat et Revues critiques.

Le site web de la revue ( est le lieu où les auteurs, les collaborateurs et les lecteurs, psychanalystes ou non psychanalystes, peuvent  consulter des informations pertinentes sur l'équipe éditoriale, les appels aux contributions et les règles éditoriales, techniques et éthiques à respecter pour soumettre des articles originaux. On peut encore consulter le site pour obtenir d'autres informations utiles, lire et télécharger les articles publiés dans les derniers numéros de la revue.

Comité de rédaction

Directeur : Carlos Farate

Directeur - Assistant : António Mendonça

Assistants Éditoriaux : Bruno Ferreira, Liliana Castro, Susana Algarvio et Teresa Campos


Bulletin of the Moscow Psychoanalytic Society

The first issue of the Bulletin of the Moscow Psychoanalytic Society (MPS) was published in 2014. This year, in 2022, the 9th issue of the Bulletin will be published.

In the beginning, we clearly understood that while Russian public – psychologists, teachers, parents and other interested readers - tends to comprehend psychoanalysis, there was  still a significant lack of psychoanalytical knowledge.

On the other hand, we realized that it is very important for a young MPS to reflect on its own development in psychoanalysis. The topics of articles that crystallize in the daily clinical work of a psychoanalyst become a visible imprint of this work, both for the author and for readers.


The following is written in the preface to the first issue of the Bulletin.

"The collection of articles by members and candidates of the MPS presented to your attention can become a crosscut of modern Russian psychoanalysis for the reader. At the same time, the Bulletin is a kind of guide among various psychoanalytic trends, both implicitly presented in the authors' articles and also declared as the theoretical platforms of psychoanalysts. We also hope that the Bulletin can perform a synthetic function by combining a variety of psychoanalytic views and approaches into a single space."

Since 2015 the Bulletin carried 1-2 articles by foreign psychoanalysts who helped in the formation of our society, with whom we have a long-standing friendship.


Editorial Committee of the Bulletin (Editorial board)

Natalia Kholina, Marina Agracheva, Tatiana Alavidze, Marina Arutyunyan, Igor Kadyrov, Ekaterina Kalmykova, Natalia Kigai, Irina Korneeva, Elena Misko, Evgeny Raisman, Alexander Uskov.

The editor–in-chief is Natalia Kholina

Tel.: +420775517979


Revista de Psicoanálisis (Madrid Association)

Asociación Psicoanalítica de Madrid

Sociedad Componente de la International Psychoanalytical

Association y de la European Psychoanalytical Federation

Since its inception in 1985, the Psychoanalysis Journal of the Psychoanalytical Association of Madrid (APM) has aimed to be a space for living and communicative expression, meeting and respect for the plurality of psychoanalytic thought, which promotes scientific discussion in the APM.

It publishes three monographic issues a year with an introduction to the monographic theme and the following sections: Classics, Monographic Theme, Theoretical-Clinical Dialogues in which several colleagues comment on an article, Commencements on topics of psychoanalysis and culture, Applied Psychoanalysis or other related topics, and Reviews (books, magazines, and events)

The articles are reviewed by the Editorial Board and a team of international reviewers, as well as a group of scientific advisers made up of APM analysts of recognized institutional and editorial prestige associated with the journal.

The Psychoanalysis Journal is included in:

  • The “Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing (PEP)” database
  • Índice Bibliográfico Español en ciencias de la Salud [Spanish Bibliographic Health Sciences Index] (IBECS)
  • Biblioteca virtual de Psicoanálisis [Virtual Psychoanalysis Library] (BiViPsi)
  • Referential Psychology Database (PSICODOC)
  • Dialnet: La Rioja University

It is in process for the bibliographic index of the Carlos III University and SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online).

To acquire a copy or subscribe, you can request it through the mail or at the link

To submit articles for publication: