Institute (Psychoanalytic Institute for Eastern Europe (PIEE))

International Psychoanalytical Association - European Psychoanalytical Federation


The Han Gröen-Prakken Psychoanalytic Institute for Eastern Europe


Zur Information über das Institut, seine Mitglieder und Aktivitäten besuchen Sie bitte die Website des Instituts:





East European Psycho-analytical Groups



Note: There are four IPA-established component Societies: the Hungarian , the Czech , the Polish and the Belgrade Psychoanalytical Society. Their addresses can be found on this website by clicking on Societies. Further more there exist 5 Study Groups: the Croatian, the Roumanian, the new Lithuanian and two Russian (Moscow).


The "Han Groen Prakken Psychoanalytic Institute for Eastern Europe" (PIEE) established a list of IPA psychoanalysts and of candidates of the Institute in Eastern Europe. To see this list please go on the website of the Institute and click then on "Roster". You will find there the "Roster of the PIEE members and candidates".

Integrative Fund

The EPF today organizes an annual main conference.

We now have an EPF Integration Fund that will grant travelling scholarships.

Colleagues who are members of IPA Component Societies or Study Groups from regions within Europe where economic conditions make it difficult to take part in the EPF conference and who want to participate can apply for assistance. Similar possibilities exist for colleagues attached to groups working with the EPF's Eastern European Committee.

Those interested to apply should write to Aira Laine. Please note that funds are limited. Usually an attempt will be made to secure budget accommodation and reduced registration fees. The deadline for applications will normally be January, 15, in the year of the meeting.

Applications should be sent by post and email to:

Anne Rosenberg
102 avenue du maine
75014 Paris